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Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Fat i will burn you...

Hey guys, Let us share  same insights on how we can eat fat to burn fat. let me tell you fat is an essential nutrient which our body does not produce by itself. This fat nutrient is very necessary to keep our body and brain healthy. We all have heard about essential fatty acids(EFA) which our body does not produce. So we need to consume it by eating fat foods. Eat good fat to burn bad fat. Such as Fish oil, Almonds, peanuts, Cashews, almond butter or peanut butter and olive oil
. These are the six important fat nutrients. All these had healthy source of fat. Fat contains omega 3,omega 6,omega 9 and mono and poly unsaturated fats which are very healthy for  your heart and brain. Your brain has 60% fat. People who have weak brain, memory and are unable to concentrate, these people are missing required fats. Almonds have a lot of fiber,protein and magnesium which are very helpful to calm our brain and get a relaxed sleep. One of the best oil is olive oil. Peanut butter or almond butter should be natural. Along with others nuts we can also eat walnuts which are also full of fat nutrients. All the nuts have to be consumed raw, kindly avoid fried, or salted. People who are vegetarians they as can go for supplements as Flax seeds oil apart from fish oil.Fish oil has good cholesterol which  helps to keep your heart healthy. We require only 20% of fat in a day as recommended by FDA(food and drug administration). More consumption of fat will increase chlorine intake which leads to gain weight. One should take one spoon of olive oil, 2 spoons of peanut butter, handful of nuts to satisfy 20 %. Handful of nuts will have 22-24 pieces, base on there palm size. Two spoons of peanut butter, if not eating with whole egg, and one spoon without it. In your snack meal we can pick any one type of nut among the mention above. At dinner if one eating fish then no need of fish oil. Understand these guys bad fats will make us bad and unhealthy. Which may lead to heart  problems and many more. " Good fat means good cholesterol and bad means bad cholesterol". Let  not be on medication 10 years from  now just because of bad fat intake. In my next post shall share how we can start our day with oats.Bye  for now. Stay healthy...Eat good fat.

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